Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Artist Trading Card Book Swap

Ok so I am a member at Monday Artday ATC Group which is an Artist Trading Card Group on the Ning Social Network. I joined my first swap there that involves buying or creating a small sketch book that you send to people and they each create a ATC page, then send it along to the next person.

So this gave me a reason to crack out my Bind-It-All and get creating. Here is what I came up with:


I used American Crafts Cardstock in Moss, some distressing chipboard letters in brown, Old Music Paper that I picked up at a market, Ribbon and a stamped Flourish.

I also did my own page in the book so everyone can get an idea of what I do.

I call this piece "Blossoming Butterfly".

Hope you like :)

Have a good day all.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

My New Car!!!!

I finally got my new car yesterday and I think that it is the cutest car I have ever seen. It is a 2002 Toyota Echo, and although it is not exactly "new" it is new to me. It has a few little dents and scratches but nothing overly noticeable.

Here are the photos, it's already a little dirty but thats the joys of living in a rural area. Dirt Roads Everywhere!

See I told you she was cute..... :)

The car has western Australian number plates because it was a gift from Cameron's Dad and Step-Mother. (Thats where they live).

It is an absolute dream to drive and is good on petrol, costing only $35-$40 to fill the petrol tank. It gets 100km/6L, I find myself looking for any excuse to drive it. 


Friday, October 23, 2009


WOW 2 posts in the one morning, I'm on a roll. 

I just had to share pics of my dedicated craft area. I can't believe that I have finally done it. the bedroom was starting to get really cluttered and messy because I just have way too much stuff. 

And just for some good measure and to make people go Awww thats cute, here is a pic of my Cat Jack Sleeping, he is such a character.

Well thanks for looking have a nice day! :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

What a Day......

Ok so Friday I had a car accident and well I'm fine walked away from it no broken bones minimal bruising and a really banged up knee.

Thats what the car looks like. It landed on it's roof and I crawled out the drivers window and then went looking for my dad's camera that I borrowed. Sounds strange but I was in no pain until about 5 miutes later when I sat on the side of the road waiting for a car to come along. I needed medical attention but couldn't find my phone. I waited about 20 minutes for the ambulance and in that time the pain had set in and I couldn't walk.

I have no broken bones but I have stuffed my knee up rather badly. I will find out on Monday exactly what's wrong with it. At the worst I will have to have surgery but hopefully it doesn't come to that.

Anyway i will keep peoples posted on what's happening about this situation.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lime Tart Challenge

Hey All,

This is my entry for Lime Tart's First Challenge

The Papers I used were Pink Paislee and Kaisercraft.

Hope you all enjoy this, it is only the second time I have entered a challenge and I am kinda new to scrapping (I usually make ATC's).

Happy Scrapping

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The 21 Challenge

I have been following Rhonna's 21 day challenge, that was graciously recommended to me by Nic. The idea behind this is that it takes 21 days to form a habit therefore it also takes 21 days to break that habit.

I have been trying to make it a habit to regularly create an artistic journal page. So far things are not going all that well. I purchased a new journal and the first thing that I do with it is ruin it in the rain. So I have managed to salvage the book and hopefully I can start the 21 day challenge all over.

On the upside I have manage to create my very first 12" x 12" scrapbook page.  To see it just visit Puzzle Sketches.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My New Job

I have a new job and I will be starting TODAY......


This is where I will be working

It is a fantastic cafe on the wetlands at Mawson Lakes.

I will let you know how it goes after I get home.